Our Missions
Brenda Otterson
Legislative Consultant AMOS
The Washington-based American Maritime Officers Service is a business association of U.S.-flagged merchant vessel operators serving international trade, deep-sea and coastal domestic markets, the Great Lakes and inland waterways. Participating companies also provide strategic sealift and other military support services under Military Sealift Command and Maritime Administration charter.
AMOS serves its participating companies through educational outreach, policy development and programs, legislative advocacy and regulatory advocacy to promote and protect federal laws and programs essential to a strong American maritime industry. Our policy focus is the privately owned and operated U.S. merchant fleet in commercial and defense services worldwide, and ensuring the maintenance of a strong and effective maritime industry.
Our missions are to maintain a U.S. merchant fleet capable of meeting the economic, national security, diplomatic and humanitarian responsibilities assigned to it by U.S. history, geography and law, and to expand this fleet in domestic and international commerce. A large, active and diverse U.S. merchant fleet serves U.S. interests in peacetime, in war and in response to natural disasters in the U.S. and overseas.